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Social Copy Trading

Social Copy Trading

Social Copy Trading allows you to follow the experiences and strategies of successful traders and then automatically copy their trades to improve your trading chances
What is Social Copy Trading
Social Copy Trading is an innovative feature that allows traders to automatically copy trades of successful and experienced investors on the Levels platform. This allows beginners to improve their skills by following the strategies of professionals, and experienced traders to expand their potential and earn additional income
How to Use Social Copy Trading
Register for Levels and log into your account
Trader's choice
Go to the Social Copy Trading section and select a trader
Configure settings
Set the investment size and risk management parameters
Copy activation
Activate the copy function, adjust the settings and monitor the results
Features of the Social Copy Trading tool
Automatic copy
Users can select experienced traders and automatically repeat their trading operations on their accounts. This lowers the barrier to entry and makes the trading process easier for beginners
Training and analysis
Beginners can study the strategies of successful traders, view their analytics and analyze the results of past trades for effective learning by doing
Management of risks
Traders can set risk management parameters: copy size and stop loss level. This will allow you to manage your portfolio more efficiently and securely
Diversification of investments
Social Copy Trading allows you to diversify your portfolio by choosing several traders with different strategies. This helps manage risk and improve trading stability
Start trading with Social Copy Trading now
Join Levels now to successfully trade the market using the Social Copy Trading tool and achieve your financial goals
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